Change Log
Added Pirateweather widget - contributed by Dave Dixon
Added ability to know the topic associated with an MQTT message decode error
mode for python imports via theimport_method
directive to enable python imports from arbitary pathsAdded access to the request object for both async and non-async http callbacks - contributed by Eric Severance
Added option for N deg rising|setting to Scheduler._parse_time
parameter tocancel_listen_state()
- contributed by Daniel RochaRemove support for python 3.8 and 3.9
Added support for python 3.12
Update docker image to Alpine 3.20/Python 3.12
Upgraded HASS plugin to use the aiohttp websocket client
Upgraded HASS plugin to use the Websocket API where possible
Implemented value return for HASS Service Calls
added the
as an AppDaemon startup parameter to force AD to use theTOML
format when creating new apps using the
baseicon set_service_call fix - contributed by lancasterJ
HTTP module now correctly honors the provided host name instead of binding to, and should also now work for IPv6 - contributed by bitstacker
Fix for baseweather direction icon - contributed by carawan
Fix for bug in pathname checking for hidden files and pycache - contributed by David Warde-Farley- contributed by Roman Andriadi
ADAPI Sleep now accepts a float as documented
Breaking Changes
AppDaemon no longer supports versions of Python prior to 3.10. This is in line with other packages, and allows us to keep the code base up to date and current with the latest developments
Changes in Behavior
The fix to honor the host name in the HTTP URL may cause AppDaemon to fail to start, if the hostname provided is not valid. In particular, docker users will need to switch their URL to either use localhost, explicitly, or “” which will bind to any available interface, or use command line tools to discover the correct IP address and use that.
The timer for internal function timeouts has been increased from 10 seconds to 60 to allow for the fact that service calls to hass can now be synchronous and may take longer
AppDaemon will now discard any events that it attempts to process for an App that is initializing. This is intended to prevent race conditions during App Initialization
flag has been deprecated. AppDaemon will now work transparently with either yaml or toml files, allowing the user to mix and match and convert from one format to another over time. In the event of a conflict, the yaml file will take precedence.
4.4.2 (2023-04-16)
Fix a bug in template rendering
Fix a dashboard style bug - contributed by D3SL
Breaking Changes
4.4.1 (2023-04-09)
Added curl install to the docker image for helath checks
Fixed a bug that crept in to
Breaking Changes
4.4.0 (2023-04-08)
AUI Now shows performance stats for plugin network access
New CI pipeline designed and configured by Carlo Mion
Add support for python 3.11
run_at() support for times that have already passed #1684
Add TOML Support
App endpoints now support the GET method
Many changes to docker image including update to Alpine py3 packages - contributed by Nigel Rook
Apps can now accept additional arguments using pythons native dictionary unpacking (** operator) instead of a dictionary
Rename parameters for the old kwargs mechanism to cb_args to make the distinction
Added type hints and a section on how to use with your IDE
Trailing slash on hass url breaks connectivity #999
parse_time(“sunset”) and impact of “aware” #1645
constrain_person not working #1437
last_changed_seconds wrong due to timezone #1571
Fixed a long standing bug that caused some callbacks to be 1 hour early or later after a DST transition
Fixed an issue with sunset and sunrise based constraints on systems that use UTC instead of local timr that also affected
This also fixed a long standing issue with sun_up() and sun_down()
Breaking Changes
Remove Python 3.7 test coverage prior to deprecation at EOL in 6/23
Register endpoint for async callbacks has been harmonized with the async version and supplies just the arguments received and not the request object
Versioning note for 4.4.0 - This release was intended to be 4.3.0, however a problem with the new packaging pipeline blocked use of that version number on PyPi.
4.2.3 (2023-02-27)
Revert docker changes and remove arm images from CI due to memory exhaustion issues
Breaking Changes
4.2.2 (2023-02-26)
Added the ability to set HA certificate verify from docker arguments - contributed by Antonino Piazza
Added MQTT VARS to docker arguments - contributed by Xavi Moreno
Added the ability to reset a running timer via api
Removed a warning from info_timer() for stale handles
Added the ability to supress invalid timer handle warnings in cancel_timer()
All scheduler calls and helper functions now support fractional timestamps. including parse_time() and now_is_between()
sunrise(), sunset(), parse_time() and parse_datetime() now allow you to select today’s sunrise/sunset, rather than the next occuring, and specify a number of offset days
now_is_between() now supports specification of a timethat can be used for testing rather than using the current time
Added the ability to use lambdas for filtering state callbacks - contributed by David Greenberg
Added the ability to support multiple input constraints - contributed by Matt O
Added the –configfile parameter
Docker container optimizations - contributed by Nigel Rook
Fixed issue when when using [timeout]{.title-ref} in listen event api, after the event is ran one gets an error in log
Fixed issue when an entity is deleted from HA, and it remains in AD
Fixed issue with setup file saying support “python3 3.0”
Fixed issue with the inability to know which app’s callback failed [constrain_state]{.title-ref} check
Fixed issue with AD giving messed up error messages
Fixed an issue with scheduler.now_is_between() where it wasn’t zeroing out microseconds leading to race conditions
Fixed another issue with now_is_between() relating to sunrise & sunset periods spanning midnight
Fixed an issue in reloads of global modules - apps are now correctly forced to reload rather than just re-init ensuring they dump any old references
Fixed the “state attribute of the entity class to work in async callbacks - Inspired by Kostas Chatzikokolakis
Documentation fixes - contributed by Rootie
Documentation fixes - contributed by Jakob Ruhe
Documentation fixes - contributed by illuzn
Fix for flake8 repository move - contributed by dgrnbrg
Bump black to 22.3.0 and run it on all files - contributed by Jakob Ruhe
Bump black to 22.3.0 and run it on all files - contributed by Jakob Ruhe
Bumped websocket-client from 1.2.3 to 1.3.3
Bumped azure-mgmt-storage from 19.0.0 to 20.0.0
Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.9.0 to 12.12.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 23.1.0 to 27.1.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 20.0.0 to 21.1.0
Bumped azure-keyvault-secrets from 4.3.0 to 4.4.0
Bumped pytz from 2021.3 to 2022.1
Bumped pygments from 2.10.0 to 2.12.0
Bumped feedparser from 6.0.8 to 6.0.10
Bumped deepdiff from 5.7.0 to 5.8.1
Bumped voluptuous from 0.12.2 to 0.13
Bumped bcrypt from 3.2.0 to 3.2.2
Bumped requests from 2.26.0 to 2.28.0
Bumped jinja2 from 3.0.3 to 3.1.2
Breaking Changes
4.2.1 (2022-01-17)
Docker: Added MQTT vars to - contributed by Xavi Moreno
Fixed issue whereby [turn_on]{.title-ref}, [turn_off]{.title-ref} and [toggle]{.title-ref} for some HASS entities didn’t work
Fixed issue whereby [render_template]{.title-ref} didn’t work
Breaking Changes
4.2.0 (2022-01-03)
Released new AppDaemon Admin User Interface
Added support for passing a list of events to [listen_event]{.title-ref} api
Added support for passing a list of entities to [listen_state]{.title-ref} api
Clicking on a sequence name in AUI will now run the sequence
Added support for entity class alongeside [get_entity]{.title-ref} and [get_entity_api]{.title-ref} functions
Added the [wait_state]{.title-ref} command for sequences, so a sequence can be paused until an entity or its attribute has a certain state
Added the [sequence/cancel]{.title-ref} service call. So sequences can be cancelled
Added the ability to specify a high level namespace in sequence, so no need specifying per command
Allowed for running or cancelling sequences using either entity_id or the sequences name
Added [constrain_state]{.title-ref} functionality with support for lambda functions
Pinned socketio modules to fix a version mismatch
Removed try/catch clause that broke dashboard for iOS 10 users - contributed by Christian Lyra
Fixed the possibility of having [check_app_updates]{.title-ref} being a negative value
Fix for Hass services not being captured after startup again
Fixed issue whereby [.git]{.title-ref} paths where being imported into AD and leading to lots of unnecessary messages.
Fixed issue with AD being unable to refresh Plugin’s entities
Fixed issue with using the [loop]{.title-ref} in sequences for certain services
Fixed issue whereby the wrong the wrong timeout error was being captured, when running a coroutine
Documentation fixes - contributed by markwmuller
Documentation fixes - contributed by JonasPed
Documentation fixes - contributed by elandt
Documentation fixes - contributed by marcelblijleven
Documentation fixes - contributed by scstraus
Fixed a long standing bug in set_state ofr HASS plugin where attributes would get overwritten when setting the main state
Bumped voluptuous from 0.12.1 to 0.12.2
Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.8.1 to 12.9.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-storage from 17.1.0 to 19.0.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 19.0.0 to 20.0.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 22.1.0 to 23.1.0
Bumped iso8601 from 0.1.16 to 1.0.2
Bumped yarl from 1.6.3 to 1.7.2
Bumped paho-mqtt from 1.5.1 to 1.6.1
Bumped jinja2 from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3
Bumped aiohttp from 3.7.4.post0 to 3.8.1
Bumped pygments from 2.9.0 to 2.10.0
Bumped deepdiff from 5.5.0 to 5.7.0
Bumped pyyaml from 5.4.1 to 6.0
Bumped pytz from 2021.1 to 2021.3
Bumped python-engineio from 3.13.2 to 4.3.0
Bumped feedparser from 6.0.2 to 6.0.8
Bumped python-socketio from 4.6.1 to 5.5.0
Bumped websocket-client from 1.2.1 to 1.2.3
Bumped wheel from 0.37.0 to 0.37.1
Breaking Changes
Service calls no longer return results by default
[callback]{.title-ref} and [return_result]{.title-ref} are now reserved words for the service call api
If an invalid domain or service is given in a service call, exceptions will now be raised for better error management
Changed [set_state]{.title-ref} and [listen_state]{.title-ref} to support [entity_id]{.title-ref} and not [entity]{.title-ref}, to standardise use across api calls
4.1.0 (2021-08-21)
Added “get_logs” command to stream
Added “deregister_service” api call
Added new AD event [service_deregistered]{.title-ref}. This is fired when an app’s service is deregistered
Added the use of the
directive in AD. This can be used either in the mainappdaemon
configAdded support for Python 3.9
Allowed for service calls over REST API to return data
Added the ability to auto set return for the navigate widget - contributed by Christian Lyra
Added multi-arch builds to Docker hub - contributed by sineverba
Added new fan widget - contributed by Ben Edmunds
Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 19.0.0 to 20.0.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 16.0.0 to 19.0.0
Bumped deepdiff from 5.2.3 to 5.3.0
Bumped wheel from 0.34.2 to 0.36.2
Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.8.0 to 12.8.1
Bumped websocket-client from 0.58.0 to 1.1.0
Bumped jinja2 from 2.11.3 to 3.0.1
Bumped uvloop from 0.14.0 to 0.15.3
Bumped aiodns from 2.0.0 to 3.0.0
Bumped docker image to alpine 3.14 using python 3.9.6
When apps register endpoints, [kwargs]{.title-ref} can be added which is made available at the callback
The request object is now made available in the app endpoint callback if using [async]{.title-ref}, allowing for better flexibility
Fixed issue with when a plugin that is persistent re-initializes, and it creates an error
Fixed issue with when an entity has no state, and if wanting to listen to it, breaks internally
Fixed a couple of scheduler issues that affected tmezones west of EDT
Fixed issue of app endpoints not being cleaned when app is terminated
Fixed issue where it was possible for different apps to register against the same endpoint
Fixed issue whereby the wrong response code was sent, when there was a server error
Fixed issue with climate widget, so [units]{.title-ref} can be properly set in YAML - contributed by Ben Edmunds
Fixed issue with media_player widget in parsing state - contributed by Ben Edmunds
fixed issue whereby if [timeout]{.title-ref} is used in listen api, and event gives “timeout” as part of the args, the [timeout]{.title-ref} is used to filter the event
Ensured that when apps with registered services are terminated, their services are also deregistered
Documentation fixes - contributed by sithmein
Documentation fixes - contributed by Andrew Aneisch
Documentation fixes - contributed by clyra
Documentation fixes - contributed by Ben Edmunds
Fixed an issue where AD crashes when multiple plugins restart at the same time
Breaking Changes
Dropped support for Python 3.6
Changed [unregister_endpoint]{.title-ref} to [deregister_endpoint]{.title-ref}
Changed [unregister_route]{.title-ref} to [deregister_route]{.title-ref}
Changed the callback signature for [register_endpoint]{.title-ref}. Please see example here
Changed the callback signature for [register_route]{.title-ref}
Changed the arg [name]{.title-ref} for [register_endpoint]{.title-ref} to [endpoint]{.title-ref}
4.0.8 (2021-03-30)
Fixed issue with Dashboard
widgets breaking - contributed by Rene Tode
Breaking Changes
4.0.7 (2021-03-28)
Added new api [timer_running]{.title-ref}, to be used to confirm if a previously scheduled timer is still running
Fixed [get_history]{.title-ref} api for HASS plugin
Fixed issue with Dashboard not loading on old Tablets - contributed by Rene Tode
Fixed issue with [deviceid]{.title-ref} on old Tablets - contributed by Rene Tode
Breaking Changes
4.0.6 (2021-03-21)
Added the ability to have access to
from HASS events - contributed by engrbm87Added the ability to allow widget to make use of mouse events, which can then be sent to AD backend
Added the ability to add custom javascript code to dashboard - contributed by Rene Tode
Added the ability to set [deviceId]{.title-ref} on dashboard, via the dashboard URL - contributed by clyra
Added the ability to navigate to different dashboards on different devices based on the set [deviceId]{.title-ref} - contributed by clyra
Added Icon widget service calls and state update delay - contributed by Jakub Macoun
Improved the how the Alarm Panel Cancel button looks - contributed by Chris Johns
Cancelling either an event, state, log or timer now returns a boolean value to indicate if executed or not
Added ability to have custom system packages installed in docker when it starts, by specifying the packagegs in a [system_packages.txt]{.title-ref} file. - contributed by Sanjit Dutta
Added ability for apps to create namespaces, and remove the created namespace. This namespaces are persistent by default
Added ability to persist plugin entities. This can be useful for example if wanting to persist entities within MQTT namespace
Moved the
reladed services to theadmin
namespace. So no moreappdaemon
namespaceAdded services for creating, editting, removing, enabling, disabling apps
Added ability to receive binary payload from MQTT broker
Added the ability to submit tasks to executor threads
Added the ability to make use of uvloop to improve speed, compared to the default asyncio loop
Added the [module_path]{.title-ref} and app config [yaml_path]{.title-ref} to the app’s entity_id
Pinned requests to 2.25.1
Updated material design icons to v5.4.55 - contributed by Thomas Delaet
Fixed [get_now]{.title-ref} api, whereby it returned UTC time instead of local time
FIxed issue whereby when a non properly terminated app has an error, AD starts the app automatically
Fixed issue whereby it is possible to use the app api to “start” an already running app
Fixed issue whereby when app api is used, AD could hook itself since it gets into a loop depending on how the app is written
Fixed [get_history_api]{.title-ref} for HASS - contributed by Ross Rosen
Fixed issue with [listen_state]{.title-ref} when [immediate]{.title-ref} or [duration]{.title-ref} is used with it
Fixed issue whereby when an invalid handler is used to cancel [event/state/log/timer]{.title-ref}, it gives no warning its invalid
Fixed an issue with stream api using [get_state]{.title-ref} api call
Fixed Azure packages by droping deprecated packages - contributed by freezeboy
Prevent the ability for apps to register services in non-existent namespaces
Fixed issue with newly registered HASS services
Fix Cryptography Rust compile issue
Required example files are now being created by startup script - contributed by Alexandros Dorodoulis
Fixed issues with Bumping astral - contributed by Werner Pieterson
Bumped websocket-client from 0.57.0 to 0.58.0
Bumped pid from 2.2.5 to 3.0.4
Bumped pygments from 2.6.1 to 2.8.1
Bumped iso8601 from 0.1.12 to 0.1.14
Bumped pytz from 2019.3 to 2021.1
Bumped bcrypt from 3.1.7 to 3.2.0
Bumped feedparser from 5.2.1 to 6.0.2
Bumped yarl from 1.4.2 to 1.6.3
Bumped voluptuous from 0.11.7 to 0.12.1
Bumped pyyaml from 5.3 to 5.4.1
Bumped aiohttp-jinja2 from 1.2.0 to 1.4.2
Bumped jinja2 from 2.11.1 to 2.11.3
Bumped astral from 1.10.1 to 2.2
Bumped paho-mqtt from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1
Bumped aiohttp from 3.7.3 to 3.7.4
Bumped python-socketio from 4.4.2 to 4.6.1
Bumped deepdiff from 4.3.1 to 5.2.3
Bumped azure-mgmt-storage from 16.0.0 to 17.0.0
Bumped azure-storage-blob from 12.7.1 to 12.8.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-resource from 15.0.0 to 16.0.0
Bumped azure-mgmt-compute from 5.0.0 to 19.0.0
Fixed issue with socketIO, where the client is incompatible with server
Fix for multiarch docker builds, so Appdaemon is built for different platforms - contributed by Aleksey Sviridkin and Ben
Fix for UVLOOP Windows compatibility - contributed by Steffen Fredriksen
Fix for Hass Api async api - contributed by Oxan van Leeuwen
Prevented the loading of hidden files into AD; those starting with a [.]{.title-ref}
Prevented the loading of hidden python files into AD; those starting with a [.]{.title-ref}
Prevented the loading of hidden folders into AD; those starting with a [.]{.title-ref}
Fixed issue where when an app is stopped using api, when started it doesn’t respect the previous pin given to it by AD
Documentation fixes - contributed by Rock coaxial
Documentation fixes - contributed by Bob Gray
Documentation fixes - contributed by Ross Rosen
Documentation fixes - contributed by Dougal Matthews
Documentation fixes - contributed by Jason Lachowsky
Documentation fixes - contributed by Jonas Pedersen
Documentation fixes - contributed by chbndrhnns
Documentation fixes - contributed by Addison Lynch
Allowed for both multi and single level MQTT wildcard subscription
Ensured AD doesn’t break, when a “.” is used in app name, while it is ignored. Contributed by Xavi Moreno
Fix for MQTT Listen Event using Async - contributed by Ross Rosen
Fix for using async method as constraints, contributed by Mithras
Breaking Changes
Those using non-existent namespaces to register app services, will need to create a UDN and use that to register the service as described here
If using user defined namespace, there is need to delete the present ones in the
directory.Due to the removal of the [appdaemon]{.title-ref} namespace, if anyone was manaully making a service call using it, will need to be updated
is now a reserved keyword argument used when listening to MQTT eventsWhen using
to listen for events within an app, only those used to subscribe to the broker can be used. so if usingcamera/#
to subscribe to all camera related topics, AD will not recognisecamera/front-door/#
as a valid wildcard when listening for events; unlesscamera/front-door/#
was used for subscription itself.Moved the local static folder for serving static files from [web]{.title-ref} to [www]{.title-ref}. If using
already, simply add it to [static_dirs]{.title-ref} in thehttp
component as described here
4.0.5 (2020-08-16)
Fixed a duo of bugs that left entities lying around in the AUI and AD’s internals tat eventually led to slowdown and crash
Breaking Changes
4.0.4 (2020-07-11)
All module dependencies pinned to exact versions for better environmental predictability
Bump pyyaml to 5.3
Bump yarl to 1.4.2
Bump bcrypt to 3.1.7
Bump jinja2 to 2.10.3
Bump aiohttp-jinja2 to 1.2.0
Bump deepdiff from 4.0.9 to 4.2.0
Bump jinja2 from 2.11.0 to 2.11.1
Bump deepdiff from 4.2.0 to 4.3.1
Bump pygments from 2.5.2 to 2.6.1
Add Azure pipelines for Black and Flake - contributed by Bas Nijholt
Added service call for
Added ability to use
. Also seconds can be added by simply usingnow+10
for examplePresence convenience functions now support a
flag to use person entities rather than device trackers for presence detectionconstrain_person
constraints added to support person entitiesAdd stream support for SockJS
Dashboard component now only sends event updates for relevant dashboard entities rather than broadcasting all state_change events
Admin UI now breaks out App instance and lifetime callback stats separately
Convert admin and dashboard to get_state from stream
Increase default work factor for password hashes to 12
Added [add_entity]{.title-ref} api call, alongeside [state/add_entity]{.title-ref} service call
Added the ability to remove plugin entities like [HA]{.title-ref} when using the [remove_entity]{.title-ref} api
Cleanup sequences when modified. This ensures removed sequences are also removed from the Admin UI and AD
Added support to use environment variables using the [!env_var]{.title-ref} tag, if not wanting to use the [!secrets]{.title-ref} tag
Additional format for time travel start and end times accepted
Added the ability to specify a callback to hass get_history. This way, large amount of data can be retrieved from the database, without AD cancelling the task
Added retry_secs parameter to the hass plugin
Re-added support for SSL in the http module (should also fix dialogflow)
Add openssl-dev package to docker image (required for RPI)
Fixed up socketio support to work with the new stream semantics
Fixed a bug that allowed multiple copies of an App to run if there was an error in the signature of terminate()
AppDaemon’s REST API no longer needs to be active to use the dashboard or Admin interfaces
Fix tzdata error in docker build for RPI - contributed by Guy Khmelnitsky
Fix for [get_tz_offset()]{.title-ref} not working in some circumstances - contributed by sillyfrog
Added some locking to prevent array size change errors
Fix for registering services created in HA, after it had started
Added additional logic to wait for full HASS startup
Breaking Changes
events tostream_connected
respectivelyChanged the [get_history]{.title-ref} api, as [entity_id]{.title-ref} has been removed from the api
4.0.3 (2020-02-29)
Pinned astral to v1.10.1
Pinned astral to prevent a bug in the latest v2 astral
Breaking Changes
4.0.2 (2020-02-28)
Fixed a critical bug that cause multiple scheduler errors during a leap year - contributed by Chad McCune
Breaking Changes
4.0.1 (2020-01-20)
Fixed an issue, where when
is disabled inappdaemon.yaml
, AD is unable to startFixed an issue that prevented dashboards from working on older iPads
Breaking Changes
4.0.0 (2020-01-12)
Added events for when an app is initialized or terminated
Added [event_fire]{.title-ref} service call
Added [production_mode]{.title-ref} service call
Added [list_services]{.title-ref} api call
Added the ability to fire an event callback only once, using the [oneshot]{.title-ref} flag
Added the ability to use async functions as endpoint callback
Added the ability for
to auto-update when the options changes, without need of refreshing the browser pageAdded events for when a websocket client connects and disconnects
Added the ability for apps to register web routes, thereby utilizing AD’s internal web server
Added static folder [web]{.title-ref}, which can used to serve content like images using AD’s internal web server
Added ability for users to define static folders, which can used to serve content like images using AD’s internal web server
Added support for python 3.8
Fixed issue where the user could potentially create entities in [admin]{.title-ref}, [global]{.title-ref} or [appdaemon]{.title-ref} namespaces
Breaking Changes
4.0.0 Beta 2 (2019-10-19)
Added a
parameter tolisten_state()
to delete the callback after a pre-determined interval.Added render_template() handling
global_modules can now be declared in multiple yaml files
It is now possible to inject arbitrary headers in served http content
Updated camera widget now supports streams and token refreshing
Added input_text and input_datetime widgets
Added the ability to control the number of threadpool workers
Each time a new service is registered, a
event is fired, which can be picked up by appsAdded support for async apps
Added authorization to stream as well as command semantics for various functions
Added sequences
Added sequence widget
Added app access to dashboard directory using
List of available dashes is now alphabetically sorted
Changed namespaces implementation to use shelve instead of JSON enabling non JSON-serializable objects to be stored and also potential performance increases - contributed by Robert Schindler
MDI updated to version 4.4.95 - contributed by Roeland Van Lembergen
Fixed a bug in global_modules that caused a exception
Fixed icon bug in weather widget - contributed by Roeland Van Lembergen
Breaking Changes
is now an official parameter tolisten_state()
. If you were usingtimeout
in your kwargs section for either you should rename that parameter.The camera widget has changed parameters - check the docs for details
Moved the
log events
from global toadmin
namespace. iflisten_log
is just used for listening to logs, it shouldn’t matterIf you have used persistent namespaces in the previous beta it is necessary to delete all saved namespaces by removing all files in the
subdirectory under your appdaemon config directory
4.0.0 Beta1 (2019-08-30)
Apps can now use a simplified version of the import statement e.g.
import hassapi as hass
orimport mqttapi as mqtt
. The existing import method will continue to work.Apps can now use multiple plugin APIs with the
superclass for apps that want to use theget_plugin_api()
style of codingScheduler rewritten to be more efficiant and allow for microsecond resolution
now sends AppDaemon system messages and has the option to set a log level.Bumped aiohttp to v3.4.4
Added callback locking decorators
Rearchitected the work Q to allow App pinning and avoid re-entrant and concurrent code if desired
Implemented multiple worker Ques to avoid Head of Line blocking
API Calls to control app pinning
Added the
api call - with assistance from Odianosen Ejalereworked log listening functions to be more robust and added the ability to have multiple callbacks per app
Refactored plugin APIs to remove duplication
from being Hass only to all app, regardless of plugin usedAdded checking for overdue threads
Added error checking for callback signatures
Added app attributes that allows to access AD’s
directories within appsAdded
now optionally takeparse_time()
style arguments for specifying timeRefactored for greater readability and easier maintenance
Expanded on the ability to trigger
callbacks immediately using theimmediate
flag, without need of specifying thenew
parameter.Allowed to make use of
when using theimmediate
flag inlisten_state
Added initial version of the Admin Interface
Added User Defined Namespaces
Rewrote logging to include user defined logs and formats
Added a unified http component to handle API, ADMIN and DASHBOARD access on a single port
Added startup conditions to the HASS plugin
Added duplicate filtering for logs
Added standalone pidfile functionality
Added the ability to delete an AD app generated entity from any namespace
Added the ability to get the history of entities from HASS database
Added the ability to force a start of the MQTT plugin, even if not connected to broker at startup
Added the ability to set AD’s
from within appsAdded the ability to start, stop, restart and reload apps from either other apps or REST API
Added the ability to register app services
Added sensors for different internal state of AD, that can be read by apps
Added Person widget
Much reworking of docs
for dynamic dependencies in appsAdded MQTT support for setting TLS version - contributed by Miguel
Added support for socketio for older tablet devices - inspired by algirdasc and zarya
Added support for
parameters inget_state()
api call - contributed by Robert Schindleradded a switch to disable the encoding of every log message to ascii - contributed by Ben Lebherz
Various YAML fixes and refactoring - contributed by Rolf Schäuble
Allow more natural addition of commandline arguments to Docker and allow spaces - contributed by Christoph Roeder
Allowed for subscribing to MQTT events using wildcards. e.g.
- contributed by Odianosen EjaleAllow to specify a MQTT message to be sent when AD shutdowns cleanly e.g.
MQTT Retain setting for birth and will messages - contributed by Clifford W. Hansen
Added Note on long lived tokens for Docker users - contributed by Bob Anderson
Documentation fixes - contributed by Johann Schmitz
Documentation fixes - contributed by Brendon Baumgartner
Documentation fixes - contributed by Quentin Favrie
Documentation fixes, updating and cleaning - contributed by Humberto Rodríguez A.
Added the ability to set title 2 as friendly name in widgets - contributed by Radim
Added the ability to listen to
events, without using listen_state() - contributed by Thomas DelaetAPIAI updated to dialog flow - contributed by engrbm87
Fixes to listen_state() oneshot function
Fixes to listen_state() oneshot function when duration is used
Fixes to listen_state() function when it fires even when new and old states are same
Fixed an issue causing incorrect busy thread counts when app callbacks had exceptions
Fixed an issue of when MQTT Plugin not connected to broker, and it holds up AD startup
Fix to Forecast min/max in weather widget - contributed by adipose
Fix climate widget docs - contributed by Rene Tode
Fix to harmonize
- contributed by Rene TodeAdded missing import in example - contributed by cclaus
Fix for run_once() - contributed by engrbm87
Fix for onclick not working on IE11 - contributed by jgrieger1
Fixed issue of AppDaemon loading all
files, even those starting with a.
which are hidden or binary files. Contributed by fhirschmannFix for error generated when a none existent schedule timer is passed to
Fix for
flag inlisten_log
callbackRelative paths for appdaemon’s config directory now work correctly
Fix to Dialogflow after format changes
MQTT fix to subscribing using wildcards - contributed by Daniel Lashua
Breaking Changes has been renamed to, and the contained superclass ha been renamed from AppDaemon to ADBase. This should only be a breaking change if you were using unpublished interfaces!
Time travel semantics have changed to support faster scheduling.
now go to the appropriate namespace for the plugin and are no longer globalApps are no longer concurrent or re-entrant by default. This is most likely a good thing.
Changed the signature of
now requires a handle supplied by the initiallisten_log()
Removed Daemonize support - please use sysctl instead
is deprecated - useset_state()
instead and it should do the right thingdash_compile_on_start
now defaults to trueThe
section of appdaemon.yaml has been deprecated and must be replaced by the newlogs
section which has a different format to allow for user defined logs and greater flexibility in formatting etc.API no longer has a separate port, all access is configured via the new unified http component
API has its own top level configuration section
Some dashboard parameters moved to the
section and renameddash_compile_on_start
renamed tocompile_on_start
renamed toforce_compile
Due to the new
parameter to allow apps to use user defined logs, any previous parameters namedlog
should be renamedDue to a fix for
, this function can now returnNone
if the timer handle is invalidAs a result of a change in the way AD auto generates MQTT client status topic, if not defined previously the new topic needs to be used
In the appdaemon configuration section,
are now mandatoryMQTT client status api change from
3.0.4 (2019-04-04)
Use yaml.Safeloader to work around known security issue with PyYaml - contributed by mvn23
Unpinned PyYaml
3.0.3 (2019-04-02)
Pinned PyYaml to 3.13 to avoid a known issue
3.0.2 (2018-10-31)
api call.added
to delay App InitializationAdded ability to register apps to receive log entries
Added instructions for running a dev build
Added support for Long Lived Access Tokens
Updated MDI Icons to 3.0.39
Updated Font Awesome Icons to 5.4.2
Added MQTT Plugin - contributed by Tod Schmidt
Many MQTT Plugin enhancements - contributed by Odianosen Ejale
widget - contributed by hwmlandDocker start script will now check recursively for additional requirements and install them - contributed by Kevin Eifinger
Added ability to set units explicitly in widgets - contributed by Rene Tode
Added –upgrade to pip3 call for recursive requirements.txt scanning - contributed by Robert Schindler
Added the ability to pass stringified JSON parameters to service calls - contributed by Clyra
Fixed incorrect service call in
Enforce domain name in rss feed target to avoid issues with other functions
Previously deleted modules will now be correctly reloaded to reflect changes
Fixed a bug in
Prevent periodic refresh of HASS state from overwriting App created entities - contributed by Odianosen Ejale
Fix to honor cert_path - contributed by Myles Eftos
Run AD in docker as PID 1 - contributed by Rolf Schäuble
Fix encoding error in log messages - contributed by Markus Meissner
Fix a bug in
- contributed by Odianosen EjaleVarious Doc corrections and additions - contributed by Odianosen Ejale
Various fixes in the Docker docs - contributed by Simon van der Veldt
Namespace fixes - contributed by Odianosen Ejale
More namespace fixes - contributed by Odianosen Ejale
Fixes of the namespaces fixes ;) - contributed by Brian Redbeard
Fix typo in sample systemd config - contributed by Evgeni Kunev
Fix to cert path config - contributed by nevalain
Breaking Changes
RSS target names must now consist of a domain as well as the target name, e.g.
SSE Support has been removed
Use of ha_key for authentication is deprecated and will be removed at some point. For now it will still work
Many Font Awesome Icon names have changed - any custom icons you have on dashboards will need to be changed to suit - see docs for more detail.
While working through the upgrade it is strongly advised that you clear
your browser cache and force the recompilation of all of your dashboards
to flush out references to old icons. This can be done by manually
removing the compiled
subdirectory in conf_dir
, specifying
in the arguments to the dashboard, or setting the
hadashboard option dash_compile_on_start
to 1
3.0.1 (2018-04-18)
Added Production Mode to disable checking of App config or code changes
RSS Feed can now optionally show a description for each story
Disabling of zooming and double tap zooming on iOs devices is now optional via the
dashboard argumentExiting from the commandline with ctrl-c will now cleanly terminate apps
Sending SIGTERM to an appdaemon process will cause a clean shutdown, including orderly termination of all apps in dependency order
Added extra checking for HASS Initialization to prevent a race condition in which metadata could not be read
Weather widget adds the ability to change sensors, more dynamic units, forecast option, icon options, option to show Rain/Snow depending on precip_type sensor (and change icons), wind icon rotates according to wind bearing - contributed by Marcin Domański
Fixed a problem in the Docker initialization script
Fixed an parameter collision for events with a parameter
Grammar corrections to docs, and a fix to the stop code - contributed by Matthias Urlichs
Breaking Changes
iOS Scaling and tap zooming is no longer disabled by default
3.0.0 (2018-03-18)
API 200 responses are now logged to the access file
Add meta tags to prevent double tap zoom on iOS
Re-added set_app_state() to the API
Breaking Changes
3.0.0b5 (2018-03-05)
Added additional error checking for badly formed RSS feeds
Fixed a bug that broke binary_sensor widget.
Fixed a bug that broke retries when connecting to Home Assistant
Fixed a bug that could cause lockups during app initialization
Fixed a bug for Docker that prevented the initial config from working correctly - contributed by mradziwo
Grammar corrections to docs, and a fix to the stop code - contributed by Matthias Urlichs
Breaking Changes
3.0.0b4 (2018-03-03)
Single App dependencies can now be specified on the dependency line itself and don’t have to be a list of size 1
, andad_version
to the config dictionaryAdded filters for Apps
Added global module dependency tracking
Added plugin reload app control
Added icon widget
Apps now correctly reload when HASS comes back up after a restart
now properly returns the error log logger objectget_hass_config()
is now correctly namedapp_args
now correctly returns args for all appsget_state()
now returns fields from the attributes dictionary in preference to the top level dictionary if there is a clash. In particular, this now means it is easier to iterate through group membersFixed a bug preventing an objects
from being called when deleted from apps.yamlFixed a bug in which object info was not being cleaned out at object termination
Fixed an issue preventing dashboard updates on python 3.6
Breaking Changes
3.0.0b3 (2018-02-11)
widgetUpgraded MDI Icons to 2.1.19
Add separate log for diagnostic info
Per-widget type global parameters
App level dependencies
now returns the handle to the callbackadded
option tolisten_state()
Add step parameter to climate widget - contributed by Adrian Popa
Add internationalization options to clock widget - contributed by Adrian Popa
Doc improvements - contributed by Marco
Fixed image path for android devices
Fix a bug with the time parameter for images
Fixed a bug in
returning just the attributes dictionary instead of the entire entity.
Breaking Changes
In apps.yaml, dependencies should now be a proper yaml list rather than a comma separated string
Dependencies now refer to individual apps rather than modules
3.0.0b2 (2018-01-27)
Make int args in appdaemon.yaml a little more robust
Improve handling for missing app files
Module loading enhancements
Moved from requests to aiohttp client for better async behavior
Added thread monitoring for worker threads
Give more informative error message if AppDaemon can’t locate a valid config dir
Fixed a bug that could cause multiple apps.yaml changes or additions to be ignored
Fixed a bug causing listen_state() callbacks with
set to fire immediatelyPinned yarl library to fix an issue with Docker build
Fixed a couple of potential event loop hold ups
Fixed a bug in password security for HADashboard service and state calls
Changes to apps.yaml now also force a reload of dependent modules
now applies to yaml files as well as python filesFixed broken icon on HADashboard logon screen
Fixed a bug preventing the media title from showing in the media player
Breaking Changes
App modules not listed in an apps.yaml file will no longer be loaded. Python modules may still be imported directly if they are in a directory in which other apps reside.
is deprecated. With the replacement of requests with aiohttp, it is now sufficient to setcert_verify
to False to use a self signed certificate.Initial dashboard loads may be slower on less powerful hardware when using password authentication. Updating after the initial load is unaffected.
3.0.0b1 (2018-01-12)
Refactored pluggable architecture
Support for multiple HASS instances
Custom constraints
Path of Secret file can now be specified
apps.yaml can now be split across multiple files and directories
Apps can now establish loading priorities to influence their loading order
IFRAME Refreshes should now be more reliable
Added calls to access the underlying logger objects for the main and error logs
Add the ability to ignore specific subdirectories under appdir
Added error handling for apps that can’t be read or have broken links
Added london Underground Widget - contributed by mmmmmmtasty
Added ability to display sensor attributes - contributed by mmmmmmtasty
Added Weather Summary Widget - contributed by mmmmmmtasty
Added Sticky navigation - contributed by Lars Englund
Added Input Select widget - contributed by Rene Tode
Redesigned Input Number widget (old is still available as
) - contributed by Rene TodeAdded Radial widget - contributed by Rene Tode
Added Temperature widget - contributed by Rene Tode
Added container style to sensor widget - contributed by Rene Tode
Fixed an issue with the compiled directory not being created early enough
Breaking Changes
Apps need to change the import and super class
now returns the namespace in addition to the previous parametersAppDaemon no longer supports python 3.4
–commtype command line argument has been moved to the appdaemon.cfg file
The “ha_started” event has been renamed to “plugin_started”
RSS Feed parameters have been moved to the hadashboard section
Log directives now have their own section
[AppDaemon]{.title-ref} section renamed to [appdaemon]{.title-ref}, [HADashboard]{.title-ref} section renamed to [hadashboard]{.title-ref}
Accessing other Apps arguments is now via the
retains just the AppDaemon configuration parametersPlugins (such as the HASS plugin now have their own parameters under the plugin section of the config file
The !secret directive has been moved to the top level of appdaemon.yaml
the self.ha_config attribute has been replaced by the
api call and now supports namespaces.apps.yaml in the config directory has now been deprecated
select_value() has been renamed to set_value() to harmonize with HASS
It is no longer possible to automatically migrate from the legacy cfg style of config, and support for cfg files has been dropped.
2.1.12 (2017-11-07)
Fixed passwords causing 500 error on HADashboard - contributed by wchan.ranelagh
Breaking Changes
2.1.11 (2017-10-25)
Fixed an issue with
firing multiple times
Breaking Changes
2.1.10 (2017-10-11)
Renamed the HADashboard input_slider to input_number to support HASS’ change
to work with input_number entities
Breaking Changes
The input_select
widget has been renamed to input_number
to support
the change in HASS
2.1.9 (2017-09-08)
broken [disable_apps]{.title-ref} temporary workaround
Breaking Changes
2.1.8 (2017-09-08)
Refactor of dashboard code in preparation for HASS integration
Addition of check to highlight excessive time in scheduler loop
Split app configuration out into a separate file in preparation for HASS integration
Enhance widget API to handle all event types instead of just click
Add example HADashboard focused Apps for Oslo City Bikes, Caching of local AppDaemon events, Monitoring events and logging, Google Calendar Feed, Oslo Public Transport, YR Weather - contributed by Torkild Retvedt
Fixed a bug that gave a spurious “text widget not found” error
Breaking Changes
App configuration is now separate from AppDaemon, HASS and HADashboard configuration
The Widget API has changed to accommodate different event types and now needs an
parameter to specify what the event type to be listened for is
2.1.7 (2017-08-20)
Converted docs to rst for better readthedocs support
Added custom widget development
Enhanced API support to handle multiple endpoints per App
Added helper functions for Google Home’s APP.AI - contributed by engrbm87
parameter to listen state to trigger immediate evaluation of thedelay
Breaking Changes
Existing API Apps need to register their endpoint with [register_endpoint()]{.title-ref}
2.1.6 (2017-08-11)
API now runs on a separate port to the dashboard
Breaking Changes
API requires the
configuration value to be set and now runs on a different port from the dashboardSSL Setup for API now requires
andapi_ssl_key to be set
has been renamed toapi_key
2.1.5 (2017-08-10)
Breaking Changes
now requires a keyword argument for slotname
2.1.4 (2017-08-10)
.cfg file fixes
Breaking Changes
2.1.3 (2017-08-10)
Restructure docs for
Breaking Changes
2.1.2 (2017-08-08)
Add `get_alexa_slot_value()
config parametersAdd additional debugging to help Docker users
Breaking Changes
2.1.0 (2017-08-08)
Add a reference to official
repository for hass.ioAdd the ability to access hass state as App attributes
Add RESTFul API Support for Apps
directive to enable API access without DashboardsAdd Alexa Helper functions
Update Material Design Icons to 1.9.32 - contributed by minchick
Use relative URLs for better remote behavior - contributed by Daniel Trnka
Add SSL Support
Add Password security for screens and HASS proxying functions
Add support for secrets in the AppDaemon configuration file
Add support for secrets in HADashboard configuration files
now takes an optional screen to return to
Typo fixes submitted by Aaron Linville, vrs01, Gabor SZOLLOSI, Ken Davidson, Christian Lasaczyk, Klaus, Johan Haals
Fixed missing skin variables for media player and sensor widgets
Breaking Changes
Compiled dashboards may need to be deleted after this upgrade
2.0.8 (2017-07-23)
Add step parameter to media player
parameter to dashboardAdd ability to set timeout and return on dash navigation
Add ability to force dashboard page changes from Apps, Alexa and HASS Automations
Add quotes to times in examples.yaml - contributed by Cecron
Fix python 3.6 issue with datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() -contributed by motir
Breaking Changes
2.0.7 (2017-07-20)
Fixed a bug in label and text_sensor widgets
Breaking Changes
2.0.6 (2017-07-20)
Fix a bug causing an apps
to not be called
Breaking Changes
2.0.5 (2017-07-16)
to use iso8601 library
Breaking Changes
2.0.4 (2017-07-16)
AppDaemon is now on PyPi - no more need to use git for installs
Allow time_zone directive in appdaemon.cfg to override hass supplied time zone
Add API calls to return info on schedule table and callbacks (get_scheduler_entries(), get_callback_entries())
Add sub entity to sensor
event and allow Apps to run while HASS is disconnected
Fix startup examples to match new
semantics and add in docsFix Time Travel
Fix for crashes on HASS restart if apps weren’t in use - contributed by shprota
Attempted a fix for
showing for Nest & Ecobee thermostats when in auto mode
Breaking Changes
2.0.3 (2017-07-09)
Add error display field to weather widget
Fix issue with device trackers and
Breaking Changes
2.0.2 (2017-07-08)
Move docker image to python 3.6
Breaking Changes
2.0.1 (2017-07-08)
Much Improved Docker support including tutorial - many thanks to quadportnick
Version Change
Respect cert_path setting when connecting to WebSocket over SSL -contributed by yawor
Breaking Changes
2.0.0beta4 (2017-06-18)
Migrate timer thread to async
Add option to turn off verification for self signed certs (contributed by janwh)
AppDaemon configuration now uses YAML, among other things this allows arbitrarily complex nested data structures in App parameters
Added ability to convert from old cfg file to YAML
AppDaemon Apps can now publish arbitrary state to other Apps and the dashboard
Added Gauge Widget
Added RSS Widget
Add next and previous track to media player
Slider now works correctly after changes outside of HADashboard
Climate now works correctly after changes outside of HADashboard
Media player now works correctly after changes outside of HADashboard
ha.log now correctly dumps data structures
on_attributes for lights now correctly supports RGB and XY_COLOR
Fixed a bug in the scheduler to reduce clock skew messages
Breaking Changes
The cfg file style of configuration is now deprecated although it still works for now for most features
Argument names passed to Apps are now case sensitive
2.0.0beta3.5 (2017-04-09)
Label now accepts HTML for the value
IFRAME widget now allows vimeo and youtube videos to go fullscreen when clicked
IFRAME and Camera widgets now have optional title overlay
Widgets that display icons can now pick up icons defined in HASS
aiohttp version 2 support
Breaking Changes
2.0.0beta3 (2017-03-27)
Added alarm widget
Added camera widget
Dimmers and groups now allow you to specify a list of on parameters to control brightness, color etc.
Edited code for PEP8 Compliance
Widgets can now have a default size other than
to layouts for multiple blank linesNumeric values can now have a comma as the decimal separator
Add Global Parameters
Rewrote media widget
IFrames now follow widget borders better
IFrame now allows user input
Fixed a race condition on dashboard reload
Breaking Changes
Media Widget now needs to be 2 cells high
2.0.0beta2 (2017-03-12)
Widget level styles now correctly override just the styles they are replacing in the skin, not the whole style
Device tracker toggling of state is optional and defaults to off
Add climate widget
Add script widget
Add lock widget
Add cover widget
Added optional
argument to group to pick a representative entity to track dimming instead of guessingIntroduce new widget definition model in preparation for custom widgets
Rewrite several widgets using the new model
Add state map and state text functions to sensor, scene, binary_sensor, switch, device_tracker, script, lock, cover, input_boolean
Allow dashboard accesses to be logged in a separate file
Flag to force recompilation after startup
Additional error checks in many places
Dashboard determines the stream URL dynamically rather than by having it hard coded
Add IFRAME widget
Sensor widget now automatically detects units
Sensor widget has separate styles for text and numeric
Style fixes
Active Map for device trackers
Various minor skin fixes
Breaking Changes
Widget level styles that relied on overriding the whole skin style may no longer work as expected
Device trackers must now be explicitly configured to allow the user to toggle state, by setting the
parameterGroups of lights must have the
argument to work properly if they contain any dimmable lightstext_sensor
is deprecated and will be removed at some stage. It is now an alias forsensor
2.0.0beta1 (2017-03-04)
Initial release of HADashboard v2
Breaking Changes
option now identifies a directory not a file. The previously identified file must exist in that directory and be namedappdaemon.cfg
1.5.2 (2017-02-04)
Code formatted to PEP8, various code optimizations - contributed by yawor
Version check for WebSockets now understands dev versions -contributed by yawor
will now callturn_on()
for scenes since turning a scene off makes no sense, to allow extra flexibilityRestored the ability to use line, module and function in log messages. Recoded to prevent errors in non-compatible Python versions if the templates are not used.
Breaking Changes
1.5.1 (2017-01-30)
Functionality to substitute line numbers and module names in log statements temporarily removed
Breaking Changes
Functionality to substitute line numbers and module names in log statements temporarily removed
1.5.0 (2017-01-21)
Swap from EventStream to Websockets (Requires Home Assistant 0.34 or later). For earlier versions of HA, AppDaemon will fallback to EventStream.
Restored less verbose messages on HA restart, but verbose messages can be enabled by setting
when starting AppDaemonFrom the command line ctrl-c now results in a clean shutdown.
Home Assistant config e.g. Latitude, Longitude are now available in Apps in the
dictionary.Logging can now take placeholder strings for line number, function and module which will be appropriately expanded in the actual message
Add example apps: battery, grandfather, sensor_notification, sound
Updates to various example apps
get_app() will now return
if the app is not found rather than throwing an exception.
Breaking Changes
get_app() will now return
if the app is not found rather than throwing an exception.
1.4.2 (2017-01-21)
Remove timeout parameter from SSEClient call unless timeout is explicitly specified in the config file
Breaking Changes
1.4.1 (2017-01-21)
turn_off() now allows passing of parameters to the underlying service call
Better handling of scheduler and worker thread errors. More diagnostics, plus scheduler errors now delete the entry where possible to avoid spamming log entries
More verbose error handling with HA communication errors
Breaking Changes
1.4.0 (2017-01-20)
notify() now supports names
It is now possible to set a timeout value for underlying calls to the HA EventStream
It is no longer necessary to specify latitude, longitude and timezone in the config file, the info is pulled from HA
When being reloaded, Apps are now able to clean up if desired by creating an optional
function.Added support for module dependencies
Breaking Changes
To include a title when using the
call, you must now use the keywordtitle
instead of the optional positional parameter
1.3.7 (2017-01-17)
callList Apps holding up initialization
Add documentation for the days constraint
Various other contributed documentation fixes
Breaking Changes
1.3.6 (2016-10-01)
Add device trackers to switch_reset example
Fixed a bug in which AppDaemon exited on startup if HA was not listening causing AppDaemon failure to start on reboots
Fixed some scheduler behavior for appd and ha restart events
Fix presence example to only notify when state changes (e.g. not just for position updates)
Change door notify example to explicitly say “open” or “closed” instead of passing through state
Fix a bug in device_trackers example
Breaking Changes
1.3.4 (2016-09-20)
Add Minimote Example
Add device trackers to switch_reset example
Fixed a minor scheduler bug that didn’t honor the delay for callbacks fired from appd and ha restart events
Breaking Changes
1.3.4 (2016-09-18)
Add Momentary Switch example
Add Switch Reset Example
Fix a race condition in App Initialization
Fix a bug that overwrote state attributes
Fix to smart heat example app
Fix day constraints while using time travel
Breaking Changes
1.3.3 (2016-09-16)
Add ability to specify a cert directory for self-signed certs
Add ability for
to listen to any eventAdd filter options to listen_event()
Fix several potential race conditions in the scheduler
Breaking Changes
1.3.2 (2016-09-08)
Document “Time Travel” functionality
Add convenience function to set input_select called
- contributed by jbardiAdd global access to configuration and global configuration variables - suggested by ReneTode
Tidy up examples for listen state - suggested by ReneTode
Warning when setting state for a non-existent entity is now only given the first time
Allow operation with no
specifiedAppDaemon will now use the supplied timezone for all operations rather than just for calculating sunrise and sunset
Reduce the chance of a spurious Clock Skew error at startup
Breaking Changes
1.3.1 (2016-09-04)
Add convenience function to set input_selector called
- contributed by Dave Banks
Breaking Changes
1.3.0 (2016-09-04)
Add ability to randomize times in scheduler
to listen_state() to fire event when a state condition has been met for a period of timeRewrite scheduler to allow time travel (for testing purposes only, no effect on regular usage!)
Allow input_boolean constraints to have reversed logic
Add info_listen_state(), info_listen_event() and info_schedule() calls
Thorough proofreading correcting typos and formatting of -contributed by Robin Lauren
Fixed a bug that was causing scheduled events to fire a second late
Fixed a bug in
that caused it to return a dict instead of an objectFixed an error when missing state right after HA restart
Breaking Changes
) andrun_at_sunset()
no longer take a fixed offset parameter, it is now a keyword, e.g.offset - 60
1.2.2 (2016-08-31)
Fixed a bug preventing get_state() calls for device types
Fixed a bug that would cause an error in the last minute of an hour or last hour of a day in run_minutely() and run)hourly() respectively
Breaking Changes
1.2.1 (2016-08-26)
Add support for windows
Breaking Changes
1.2.0 (2016-08-24)
Add support for recursive directories - suggested by jbardi
Breaking Changes
1.1.1 (2016-08-23)
Fix init scripts
1.1.0 (2016-08-21)
Installation via pip3 - contributed by Martin Hjelmare
Docker support (non Raspbian only) - contributed by Jesse Newland
Allow use of STDERR and SDTOUT as logfile paths to redirect to stdout and stderr respectively - contributed by Jason Hite
Deprecated “timezone” directive on cfg file in favor of “time_zone” for consistency with Home Assistant config
Added default paths for config file and apps directory
Log and error files default to STDOUT and STDERR respectively if not specified
Added systemd service file - contributed by Jason Hite
Fix to give more information if initial connect to HA fails (but still avoid spamming logs too badly if it restarts)
Rename ‘init’ directory to ‘scripts’
Tidy up docs
Breaking Changes
As a result of the repackaging for PIP3 installation, all apps must be edited to change the import statement of the api to
import appdaemon.appapi as appapi
Config must now be explicitly specified with the -c option if you don’t want it to pick a default file location
Logfile will no longer implicitly redirect to STDOUT if running without the -d flag, instead specify STDOUT in the config file or remove the logfile directive entirely
timezone is deprecated in favor of time_zone but still works for now
1.0.0 (2016-08-09)
Initial Release